À propos de Julien Dumarais

Votre guide pour la découverte du plus beau quartier de Paris : le Marais !

Les meilleurs livres sur le Marais de Paris

Bienvenue dans ma bibliothèque personnelle ! J’ai pris soin de sélectionner pour vous des ouvrages que je considère comme de véritables trésors, chacun capturant l’âme unique de ce quartier mythique et si attachant. Ce sont mes coups de cœur, mes incontournables – ceux que je garde précieusement et que je ne prête qu’à de

Les meilleurs livres sur le Marais de Paris2025-01-30T08:30:39+01:00

A few Parisian souvenirs from the Marais

During your shopping session in the picturesque streets of the Marais, perhaps you didn’t find the perfect souvenir to extend the joy of discovering this unique and charming neighborhood in the heart of the capital. Maybe you ran out of time, didn’t stumble upon that special item, or simply didn’t have enough space

A few Parisian souvenirs from the Marais2025-01-26T23:37:12+01:00

Ramenez chez vous quelques souvenirs parisiens du Marais

A la recherche de souvenirs du Marais ? Pendant votre session shopping dans les ruelles pittoresques du Marais, vous n’avez peut-être pas trouvé le souvenir idéal qui prolongera votre plaisir de découverte de ce quartier si unique et attachant de la capitale. Peut-être avez-vous  simplement manqué de temps, de coup de cœur, ou

Ramenez chez vous quelques souvenirs parisiens du Marais2025-02-27T16:17:54+01:00

The BHV Marais: an iconic Parisian shopping destination

Looking for a simple and convenient shopping experience in the Marais, without spending hours running from store to store? The BHV Marais is the perfect destination. Here, everything is gathered under one roof. Whether you're in a hurry or prefer to spend your time strolling through the neighborhood, visiting museums, or exploring exhibitions, the

The BHV Marais: an iconic Parisian shopping destination2025-01-26T23:37:46+01:00

An unforgettable lyric evening at the Opéra Bastille in the Marais

If you're looking to experience an exceptional Parisian evening, the Opéra Bastille is a sure bet. Modern, majestic, and strategically located on Place de la Bastille, this opera house has everything to win you over. I have a confession to make: before discovering the Opéra Bastille, I had never set foot in an

An unforgettable lyric evening at the Opéra Bastille in the Marais2025-01-26T23:37:55+01:00

My 10 most beautiful museums in Le Marais: where art is showcased in stunning settings

Le Marais is truly an open-air museum. But did you know that some of Paris's most exquisite artistic and cultural treasures are housed right here? In this neighborhood, museums don’t just display masterpieces—they are masterpieces themselves. Most are located in stunning historic mansions or, like the Centre Pompidou, in bold contemporary architectural creations.

My 10 most beautiful museums in Le Marais: where art is showcased in stunning settings2025-01-26T17:35:13+01:00

Bookstores and books on gay Paris and the LGBTQI+ Marais

Build your LGBTQI+ library dedicated to the Marais and Gay Paris! Since 1980, the bookstore LES MOTS À LA BOUCHE has been the iconic Parisian reference and a staple for readers seeking specialized works on LGBTQI+ culture and literature. Established in 1983 at 6 Rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie, in the heart of

Bookstores and books on gay Paris and the LGBTQI+ Marais2025-01-27T12:03:22+01:00

Librairies et livres sur le Paris gay et le Marais LGBTQI+

Constituez votre bibliothèque LGBTQI+ spéciale Marais et gay Paris ! Depuis 1980, la librairie LES MOTS A LA BOUCHE est LA librairie parisienne de référence et une institution pour les lecteurs en quête d'ouvrages spécialisés sur le monde et la littérature LGBTQI+. Installée dès 1983  au 6 rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie au

Librairies et livres sur le Paris gay et le Marais LGBTQI+2025-01-27T12:03:48+01:00